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PhpBibliography - Upgrade to Version 1.0

Here you find the instructions to update your pre 1.0 version of PhpBibliography to the new version 1.0 (which uses CakePhp).

Although this procedure will NOT delete your present data, we strongly suggest that you backup your bibliography database.

These instructions assume that you have the latest 0.x version installed; if it is not so, you first need to upgrade to the latest 0.x version, following the instructions you find here.

Upgrade to version 1.0

As an example, we will assume to install phpbibliography in the directory phpbibliography and to access it through localhost.
  1. move all the contents of your previous phpbibliography installation to another directory (you will need the files in the old html/files directory)
  2. Unzip the contents of the archive in a directory of your web server.
  3. copy all the files in the old directory html/files into the new directory app/webroot/files)
  4. upload the file update_to_1.sql you find in the zip file (this will create the table structures); in order to do this you can either use the following mysql command, where <your user> should be replaced with the user you assigned to the database (default: root) and <bibliography database> is the name of the database you created (default: bibliography):
    mysql -u <your user> -p <bibliography database> < update_to_1.sql
    Alternatively you can use your favorite mysql management system, e.g., phpMyAdmin.
  5. PhpBibliography assumes that your apache web server has the mod_rewrite module installed and working; PhpBibliography relies on CakePhp, thus you can find further installation advanced instructions (especially concerning mod_rewrite) in the official CakePhp documentation, in particular, see the section about mod_rewrite.
  6. Make sure that the directories app/config, app/webroot/files and app/tmp are writable by the web server user (you can also make them writable by anyone, e.g., with chmod 777). After the installation successfully finished, you can also make app/config directory not writable anymore.
  7. Now visit the subdirectory installs with a browser of the site where you installed phpbibliography (e.g., in our example http://localhost/phpbibliography/installs); if everything was set up correctly you should see something like


  8. Now provide the information concerning your database you created and press submit (the table prefix is useful if your provider gives only one database that you need to share with other web software)
  9. Check that everything works; you can now go back to the database configuration, or proceed clicking the link "Upgrade from 0.x".
  10. The next step will ask for confirmation.
  11. Then you can finalize the installation (press Finalize button).
  12. You should get the message that PhpBibliography is now correctly upgraded (note that visiting the installs path again will not be allowed) and that you can now login.
  13. Phpbibliography comes with a predefined admin user, password admin. Use it to login the first time and then go in the users section and change the password.
While logged as a user you can add/edit/remove papers and other information concerning the papers.

The public phpbibliography interface is accessible now through the path where you installed phpbibliography (in our example, http://localhost/phpbibliography).

If you need to login again you can do that using the login path (in our example, http://localhost/phpbibliographylogin).